Wednesday 19 April 2017

SAP Hybris 5.6 and above version installation

SAP Hybris 5.6 and  above version  installation 

  1. Set JAVA_Home and Path variable 

    Extract the commerce suit 
      • We can see hybris-commerce-suite folder in it 
      •  In the hybris-commerce-suite- folder, we can see hybris and licenses folders 
      • In the hybris folder we can see bin folder and it has all default extensions(platform,ext-cockpit,ext-commerce,ext-data etc)

  1. Go to platform extension and open this path in the command prompt 

        • Execute the setantenv.bat file to set the ant home 
        • Install Recipe b2c_acc or b2b_acc as per requirement. 
        • Ex: Install.bat -r b2c_acc 
        • Wait till build successful 
        • log, temp and data folders are created. These are empty by default

  1. Initialize the Recipe(b2c_acc) 

      • Ex:install.bat -r b2c_acc initialize 
      • Wait till build successful 
      • Note: it takes more time please wait

  1. Start the server with hubrisserver.bat 

        • Wait till server started successfully 

  1.  Login to MCC and check all the URL’ user name as admin and password as nimda

Login to hmc with admin/nimda 


Login to hac with admin/nimda


Login to admincockpit with admin/nimda


Login to productcockpit with productmanager/1234 or  admin/nimda 


Login to cmscockpit with cmsmanager/1234 or  admin/nimda 


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